I was working on one Uipath robot and needed to strap it together to other scripts: some python files and other xaml to prototype a solution. One quick way to test your Uipath robots without having to open the main GUI is by executing the main xaml file from the...
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Studied Electrical Engineering at UCA.
-Worked as a General contractor and Revit designer +3 years.
-Experience in Web Development +8 years
-Experience in Python Development +3 years
-I like space, games history and computers.
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Recent Posts
- Hobby Project: Ai Artwork Enhancer in Python
- Using Cloudflared & Python for remote executing stuff on your closed home network!
- Let’s make an open source ASP.NET Core Shipping Module Web App/ Azure for Dynamics!
- How to uncover Resource Scheduling for Dynamics 365 v9 on-premises.
- How to make a Power App out of Dynamics 365 Data